Spinach Smoothies for Toddlers
Posted by Playmaker Sports on
Recently I came across Baby Boy Bakery, a personal (and baking oriented) blog written by a mother who lost her three year old son in May last year, it's a heart-wrenching space detailing Jacqui's journey coming to terms to life without her son. Her pain, struggle, honesty and remarkable positivity whilst she and her husband adjust their lives around their tragic loss falls nothing short of inspiring-- I'd recommend reading through her diary-style text entries and empathising with this incredible woman, as well as attempting her recipes.
In this post from the blog, she shares three toddler-friendly smoothie ideas to try and incorporate vegetables into their diet. The great thing about spinach in smoothies is that it has no flavour (so it does not detract away from the other ingredients) but all of the goodness is still there. Give all three a trial with your toddler and even mix and make your own blends. Cold smoothies are great to give kids a lot of their nutrients during the summer time.